[WebPub] new MIT mailing list - contractcoders
Chris Peterson @ MIT
chris.peterson at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 20 10:49:37 EST 2011
Hi all -
A few weeks ago I began looking for an outside web developer to work on a project for the admissions office. At Harvard, there is a specific mailing list for such contract coders, to which departments, offices, etc will email job postings and interested/available contractors will reply. After asking around, it appears there is no such list at MIT.
Operating under my personal principle of "anything Harvard can do, we can do better", there is now a mailman list for this purpose: contractcoders at mit.edu, which can be joined at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/contractcoders.
Please circulate this email to all of your developer (internal, external, whereever-ternal) friends, or people who may want to hire developer friends, so that they are aware it exists. The goal is to build a critical mass of developers so that the list becomes both a helpful resource for people who need work done, and for people who need work to do.
For the time, I administer it. I imagine that at some point its administration will ascend into a state of bureaucratic immanence, but for now, any questions or concerns should be directed to me.
- Chris Peterson
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