[WebPub] Webinar Tomorrow "Writing Vibrant, Compelling Web Copy with Ginny Redish" 1:30PM

David J Conlon dconlon at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 29 10:17:25 EDT 2010

Join us tomorrow at 1:30PM in the N42 Demo Center for the UIE Webinar
"Writing Vibrant, Compelling Web Copy with Ginny Redish"

Write the engaging, vibrant, compelling content your site visitors are
looking for. This seminar will give you lots of ideas, 7 nitty-gritty
guidelines, and more to help you create great online conversations with your
site visitors.

Think of content as conversation. Great copy is like having a great
conversation. If you write as if you were on the phone, you'll engage people
with your writing. You'll write short sentences. You'll write in logical
order. And you'll have satisfied site visitors.

Web copy expert Ginny Redish, is back with an exclusive presentation created
just for UIE. It tackles more critical topics from her acclaimed book,
Letting Go of the Words.

Hope to see you there!

Dave Conlon

David J. Conlon
Web and Database Consultant
Departmental Consulting & Application Development
Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-240g
Cambridge, MA 02139
p. 617.253.5988 | f. 617.258.6875 | http://ist.mit.edu/dcad

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