[WebPub] Fwd: New Webinar: Website Redesign Tips and Tricks

Allison F Dolan adolan at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 5 07:17:30 EDT 2010

A freebie webinar (probably includes some marketing pitch) but in case of interest ..

......Allison  Dolan (617-252-1461)

Begin forwarded message:

> From: HubSpot <marketing at hubspotemail.com>
> To view this email as a web page, go here.
> Live Webinar on Friday, October 8, 2010 
> @ 12pm ET - Register Now
> Did you know that a website redesign done wrong will lower your website traffic and reduce your leads and sales? A website redesign is about a lot more than just look and feel, and most companies get the major parts of a website redesign wrong.
> Join HubSpot's VP of Marketing, Mike Volpe, for this complimentary webinar where you will learn how to perform a successful website redesign. Mike's presentation will be based on multiple studies, and years of industry experience working with thousands of websites.
> Reserve your spot now to learn:
> * Before you get started: when and why to do a website redesign
> * Why a website redesign may be a big mistake
> * How to avoid the common errors usually made during a website redesign
> * Where to focus your redesign efforts - hint: it's not on graphics
> * How to build you new website's reputation via blogs and social media
> * How to measure the return on investment (ROI) of your website redesign project
> Register for the Website Redesign Webinar Now!
> Th. 
> This email was sent by: HubSpot
> 25 First Street, 2nd Floor Cambridge, MA 02141
> e

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