[WebPub] online password managers?

Nicole Hennig hennig at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 29 10:42:43 EST 2010

I've been using 1Password for over a year now and I really love it:

It helps you generate secure passwords, works on my iPhone and iPad in addition to all my computers. It has browser extensions for most browsers, including Chrome. Whenever you change or add a new password, it keeps itself in sync between all your devices by using Dropbox in the background (another service that's very useful!)

I've never been anywhere where I couldn't access my passwords, even on someone else's computer, I always had my phone with me and could access the passwords. You can also export a copy of your data and upload it to a secure web site of your own, so I also do that as a backup in case I ever was without my phone and away from my computers.

- Nicole

On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Lisa Damtoft wrote:

I was wondering what experiences others have had with online (not desktop) password managers.

I've finally reached a threshold where I can't keep up with all my passwords, and I imagine others have the same issue. I've looked at IS&T's recommendations about passwords in general (including info at the bottom of this page http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7144415 that refers to browser-based password managers). So far, I've been looking at LastPass and Mitto.

Any recommendations, good experiences or bad?



Lisa Damtoft
Webmaster and Web Designer
MIT Medical
Room E23-495
Twitter: MITmedical

Nicole Hennig
Head, User Experience Group, MIT Libraries
hennig at mit.edu<mailto:hennig at mit.edu> | 617-253-9367

Twitter: http://twitter.com/nic221

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