[WebPub] http://globalchallenge.mit.edu <-- Launched!

Lars Hasselblad Torres lhtorres at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 5 09:07:30 EDT 2010

Hi folks,

Just wanted to make a quick plug for the MIT Global Challenge – http://globalchallenge.mit.edu – which has launched in its “fully featured” version. Huge thanks to IS&T/DCAD for your support in helping us get out the door, from feature set development through usability testing.

The platform functions on two levels, a public-facing Global Challenge “network” that seeks to connect the passion and talent of MIT students with the experience and resources of the worldwide MIT community to design and implement innovative service projects. And a back-end “admin” side that manages the IDEAS competition life-cycle and content for each year.

I hope you can take a moment to poke around – see some of the interesting teams that have participated in IDEAS in the past, what some of this year’s entering teams are working on, and some of the problems being identified at the community level.

Let me know what you encounter in your virtual peregrinations – very keen to hear feedback on what works, how we can improve.

Finally, huge props to the folks at google at mit.edu for crawling our domain so fast – we love our search implementation.


MIT Global Challenge
ring |  617-324-5176  twitter | mitchallenge

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