[WebPub] Building a Drupal Website (, June 2, 7-9 PM, Stata Center (32-123)

Ed Carlevale ecarl at MIT.EDU
Tue May 25 15:04:29 EDT 2010


I’d like to invite you to my presentation at the Stata Center next Wednesday:  "Building a Drupal Website." The idea is to provide a friendly onramp for Drupal newcomers interested in attending the upcoming Design for Drupal Camp (June19-20, Stata Center).  I'll also be presenting my sandbox ideas for growing the sustainability community at MIT. The ubiquity of Drupal is likely to increase with the forthcoming release of Drupal 7, but for me Drupal’s power lies in its capability to build new communities, and it is this functionality which I hope to highlight in my talk.

     If you know anyone who might be interested in this talk, please forward this message.


Ed Carlevale

Webmaster	|	MIT Energy Club

				Sustainability at MIT

                   		MIT Drupal Group


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