[WebPub] danah boyd webinar?

David J Conlon dconlon at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 15 14:36:33 EDT 2010

Hi All--

The space at PSB is limited and thus it was not originally sent to WebPub.  Please contact Monica Lee (molee at mit.edu) to see if there are spaces still available for this webcast.

Dave Conlon

On 6/15/10 2:29 PM, "Allison F Dolan" <adolan at MIT.EDU> wrote:

Monica Lee of PSB sent out a note about this - see below

......Allison  Dolan (617-252-1461)

On Jun 15, 2010, at 1:59 PM, Amy Helfman wrote:

Dear colleagues,

I see on uwebd that someone at MIT has registered for this webinar on July
If that someone is on this list, would you be willing have other members of
WebPub attend? Please let me know if you have any info about it.



Amy Helfman
Webmaster, MIT150
helfman at mit.edu

From: Monica Lee <molee at MIT.EDU <mailto:molee at MIT.EDU> >
Date: June 15, 2010 11:15:55 AM EDT
To: "workshops at mit.edu <mailto:workshops at mit.edu> " <workshops at MIT.EDU <mailto:workshops at MIT.EDU> >
Subject: [Workshops] Social media webinars 6/29 and 7/15 at PSB

Dear colleagues,

The Publishing Services Bureau invites you to join us at two webinars on social media. Since many of you are already employing social media as part of your communications efforts, we hope these webinars can offer useful tips to help you in your work.

Starting a Social Media Policy
Tuesday, June 29
1-2:30 p.m.
PSB, Building E38-254
No registration required

Overview: As colleges and universities increasingly use social media, they often struggle with how to craft a workable policy. Without a unified approach, the institutional message or brand can get lost, diluted or misused. This webinar, sponsored by Academic Impressions, will cover why a social media policy is critical; what content, privacy, freedom of expression and legal issues should be considered; how to manage your presence; who should be in charge of your policy and why; effective strategies for assessing your policy once it is implemented; and successful policies at other institutions.

For more details, visit http://www.academicimpressions.com/events/event_listing.php?i=936 <http://www.academicimpressions.com/events/event_listing.php?i=936> . PSB has already registered for the group.

Social Media Practices of Young Adults
Thursday, July 15
1-2 p.m.
PSB, Building E38-254
No registration required

Overview: Many young adults have incorporated email, Facebook and text messaging into their daily practices, both professionally and personally. This webinar, sponsored by Higher Ed Experts, will examine different social media practices common among young adults and help you understand the cultural logic behind these practices. Special attention will be given to the challenges colleges and universities face whey trying to connect with students and young alumni.

For more details, visit http://higheredexperts.com/edu/webinar/master-class-social-media-practices/ <http://higheredexperts.com/edu/webinar/master-class-social-media-practices/> . PSB has already registered for the group.

We look forward to seeing you at these events.

Best regards,

Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office 617.258.9380

David J. Conlon
Web and Database Consultant
Departmental Consulting & Application Development - Client Support Services
Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-240g
Cambridge, MA 02139
p. 617.253.5988 | f. 617.258.6875 | http://ist.mit.edu/dcad

Important: IS&T staff will *NEVER* ask you for your password, nor will MIT send you email requesting your password information. Please ignore any email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

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