[WebPub] "Where, How and Why Harvard University Uses Social Media" - Wed, Nov 18th @ 3:30 ­5 :00pm

Chris Traganos christopher_traganos at harvard.edu
Mon Nov 16 23:34:06 EST 2009

Hello MIT Webpub crew,

I apologize for the late notice, we invite you all to a Social media panel
discussion we are having this Wednesday @ 3:30. See details below.
Please reply to this email if you would like to RSVP for the event.



Chris Traganos
Web Developer
Harvard Public Affairs & Communications
christopher_traganos at harvard.edu
(617) 495-7068

------ Forwarded Message
From: Chris Traganos <christopher_traganos at harvard.edu>

The Harvard Social Media, Web, and CMS working groups are excited to
announce the upcoming joint meeting:

³ Where, How and Why Harvard University Uses Social Media  (Panel Discussion
and Demonstration)²

Back by popular demand, we are hosting a panel discussion on Social Media
and the current applications in use across the University.
Presenters will talk in detail about their strategy, goals, and lessons
learned with Social Media in support of organizational needs/goals.
In addition, the discussion with touch upon specific business cases for
using Social Media, along with tangible advice for harnessing the power of
community generated content.

Confirmed Speakers:
* Jeff Dunn, Web Coordinator, Harvard Law School
* Perry Hewitt, Director of Digital Communications and Communications
Services, Harvard Public Affairs & Communications
* Meg Kribble, Research Librarian and Outreach Coordinator, HLS Library
* Michelle Pearse, Librarian for Open Access Initiatives & Scholarly
Communication, HLS Library
* Crista Martin, Director for Marketing and Communications, Harvard
University Dining Services

The  D E T A I L S :
Date: Wednesday, November 18th @ 3:30 ­5:00pm
Location: Lamont Library, Forum Room ­ MAP: http://bit.ly/lamont_library
Note for Non Harvard ID Card holders: RSVP as soon as possible with
christopher_traganos at harvard.edu to be added to the Library guest list for
Nov. 18th.

The  A D O B E   E N D - O F - Y E A R   R A F F L E :
All attendees are invited to participate in the Web Working Group¹s 2009
Adobe CS4 raffle. Enter your name at the meeting for a chance to win the
full Adobe Creative Suite 4 package, courtesy of our friends at Adobe

Please send any questions regarding the meeting to Nick
[nicholas_lamphere at harvard.edu] or Chris [ christopher_traganos at harvard.edu

Looking forward to the discussion,

Harvard Social Media User Group
Harvard Web Working Group
Harvard CMS Working Group

------ End of Forwarded Message

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