[WebPub] Last Day to Register - O'Reilly Webcast: Twitter Power Tips

lmayer@MIT.EDU lmayer at MIT.EDU
Thu May 21 08:52:33 EDT 2009

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This looks interesting and its free. I have a conflict and can't watch
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  Lisa Lisa C. Mayer : web & database consultant at MIT- IS&T- DCAD
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Join us for this free, live webcast:

Twitter Power Tips
Presented by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein

At first blush, Twitter appears to be an easy and friendly medium. But don't be deceived: it's also powerful and complex, supporting a rich third-party ecosystem and tapping subtle human dynamics.

In this webcast, Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein, Twitter experts and coauthors of the "The Twitter Book," will show you how to use Twitter more effectively, whether you're on the site for personal socializing or to meet business goals. They'll explain why Twitter is emerging as an important channel, and they'll share key tips--along with compelling, real-life examples--from power users.

The presentation will be followed by attendee Q&A.

Attendance is limited, so register now. We'll send you a reminder before the webcast. And please feel free to share this invitation with others.

Date: Thursday, May 21st at 10 am PT
Price: Free
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
To register: http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1znk07l8j8qk4sdv8tf7p4i0rm8kn9l32b15u5sno

Questions? Please send email to webcast at oreilly.com

Tim O'Reilly (@timoreilly) is the founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media, Inc., thought by many to be the best computer book publisher in the world, and an activist for open standards. O'Reilly Media also publishes online through the O'Reilly Network and hosts conferences on technology topics, including the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, the Web 2.0 Summit, the Web 2.0 Expo, and the Gov 2.0 Summit. Tim's blog, the O'Reilly Radar, "watches the alpha geeks" to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of importance to the technical community. For everything Tim, see tim.oreilly.com. 

Sarah Milstein (@sarahm) writes, speaks and teaches frequently on Twitter. She is also cofounder of 20slides.com, a site for lively, work-related workshops. Previously, she was on the senior editorial staff at O'Reilly, where she founded the Tools of Change for Publishing conference (TOC) and led the development of the Missing Manuals, a best-selling series of computer books for nongeeks. She's written for the series, too, coauthoring Google: The Missing Manual. Before joining O'Reilly, Sarah was a freelance writer and editor, and a regular contributor to The New York Times. She was also a program founder for Just Food, a local-food-and-farms non-profit, and cofounder of Two Tomatoes Records, a label that distributes and promotes the work of children's musician Laurie Berkner. 

About O'Reilly
O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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