[WebPub] Event June 14-15: Drupal Design Camp Boston

Jeannie Finks jfinks at media.mit.edu
Thu Jun 11 17:07:05 EDT 2009

Hi Folks

Though it's this weekend, thought I'd pass on this free Drupal camp  
event happening at the Stata Center posted off the drupal.org site.
There's still a little time to register! Heard they are looking for  
volunteers (no job too small!) and that people can sign up though the  
"Volunteers" forum thread
or the contact form.




Drupal Design Camp Boston attendees will learn and share knowledge  
about Drupal’s powerful templating system. Over the two days, you can  
expect to gain knowledge on how to use starter themes, custom  
templates, modify code that Drupal produces, and how use jQuery and  
JavaScript to enhance user experience. Also, Drupal fundamentals are  
part of the framework. So sign up for the camp and if you want to  
share something, submit a session!

Drupal Design Camp Boston
8:30am - 6pm, Sat. June 14 and Sun. June 15, 2009
Stata Center, MIT

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