[WebPub] Video posted: Web Apps with Jared Spool

Lisa C. Mayer lmayer at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 8 06:13:14 EDT 2009

Video posted: Web Apps with Jared Spool

The video from our last WebPub meeting is now online at WebPub, TechTV  
and iTunes. Due to some technical difficulties the recording starts a  
few seconds in to Jared’s presentation, however I’m sure you’ll find  
the content extremely enjoyable! Many thanks to the MIT HyperStudio  
and IS&T for sponsoring the podcast.

Here’s the summary of the topic covered:

Web Apps: The Collision of Design and Business with Jared Spool
Who has the best practices for web app design and what do they do to  
make world-class applications? Jared will share the latest research in  
the techniques and methodologies that can make a huge difference.

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