[WebPub] MIT TechTV class: Create Videos for the Web

Lisa C. Mayer lmayer at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 30 08:44:45 EDT 2009

MIT TechTV will offer two workshop sessions on creating your own  
videos for the Web and MIT TechTV. The hands-on sessions, offered by  
Kris Brewer, will be held in the MIT Libraries’ Digital Instruction  
Resource Center (14N-132) and are open to the MIT Community.

Introduction to Video Making for the Web

Dates & Times:  Thursday, August 6th, 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. & Tuesday,  
August 25th, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Location: 14N-132

Questions: Contact Kris Brewer, MIT TechTV Webmaster & Community  
Liaison, brew at mit.edu, 617-452-3157

No registration required, bring your own equipment/camera if you have  

MIT Tech TV is the video-sharing site for the MIT community. It  
supports the community through the aggregation and distribution of  
science, engineering, technology, and a lot more MIT-related video on  
the web. With over 6.5 million videos viewed on the site since it’s  
inception in April of 2007, MIT TechTV allows you to reach out to the  
world.  MIT Tech TV became a part of the MIT Libraries as of July 1,  

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