[Webpub] tomorrow: John Resig on campus

Jonathan Slate jslate at mtl.mit.edu
Wed Jan 28 09:11:22 EST 2009

Thanks for hosting this event, the demo was pretty cool, and I've been playing around some with jQuery in my limited free time, trying to create a AJAX jukebox app w/ PHP, jQuery, and MPD, an open source music player demon. jQuery is pretty cool, though admittedly I'm not finding it *quite* as easy as he made it look but then he seemed like a pretty bright guy. :) Are other people using or planing on using jQuery? Has ayone used the UI plugins? In my office we are using YUI which as mostly worked out pretty well. I wonder how much value there is in using both or if it is better to pick one and stick w/ it...

The other thing I picked up from the demo was Firebug, which I must say is freakin' awesome.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:52:25AM -0500, Lisa C. Mayer wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be meeting in the N42 Demo  
> Center to meet John Resig, jQuery JavaScript library creator and lead  
> developer.  Details are as follows:
> Date: 	January 22nd, 2009
> Time: 	Noon to 1pm
> Location: 	Building N42 Demo Center, 211 Mass Ave
> Topic: 	jQuery: Comprehensive DOM, Event, Animation, and Ajax  
> JavaScript Library.
> Presenter:
> John Resig, Creator and lead developer of the jQuery JavaScript  
> library. Author, Secrets of the Javascript Ninja and Pro JavaScript  
> Techniques. JavaScript Evangelist for the Mozilla Corporation
> The room seats 50 with some standing room.  This will be a popular  
> event, and our colleagues from the Harvard usergroup will be joining  
> us too so please arrive early if you need a seat.
> Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,
> Lisa
> Lisa C. Mayer : web & database consultant at MIT- IS&T- DCAD
> lmayer at mit.edu  |  617.452.4225  |  (gtalk & aim) lisacmayer

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