[Webpub] webinar today & eduWeb Conference details

Lisa C. Mayer lmayer at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 26 08:21:17 EST 2009

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that the webinar with a hilarious name  ("7 Killer  
Steps to Generating Big, Fat, Hairy Design Ideas") is today from 4:00  
- 5:00pm in the N42 Demo Center.  I'm sorry I won't be there in person  
to see you but one of my colleagues will help set things up in my  

Also, check out the details for the eduWeb conference this year at our  

eduWeb 2009: Chicago
February 26th, 2009

eduWeb conference is in Chicago this year, July 20-22.   The keynote  
speaker is Dimitri Glazkov, a Software Engineer at Google, and their  
tracks fall under the topics of Marketing/Communications, Design &  
Development, and one just called “Get it Done.”  While they are still  
filling up their schedule, the following workshops have been announced:

1) “Student Recruitment in the Online World: Communicating from First  
Web Search to Final Enrollment”, by Bob Johnson, Bob Johnson Consultling

2) “Make It Last: Design for the Future, DO Your Homework Today”, by  
John Stapleton, Paskill Stapleton & Lord

3) “Jumping In Feet-First: How to Participate in Social Media for  
Recruitment, Retention, and Better Campus Life”, by Sean Carton, idFive

For those unfamiliar with the event, here’s the elevator pitch:

     The eduWeb Conference is an annual, internationally recognized  
event for the higher education community, attracting those who are  
involved in online strategy, marketing and technology. This includes  
recruiting, website design/development, CMS, social media, marketing  
communications and the integration of traditional marketing channels  
into this new medium.

     The conference attracts all levels of professionals in  
Admissions, IT, Marketing, Communications, Alumni, Athletics,  
Advancement, Student Affairs … and more

     The conference continues to focus on “both sides of the  
fence” (front end and back end) regarding a website’s development.

         * The “front end” includes marketing, communications,  
advancement, admissions - it includes any non-IT office that now has a  
website and knows that part of its strategy is to communicate to  
internal and external audiences.

         * The “back end” includes information technology, database  
development, applications, instructional design, mobile technology,  
RSS and more.

     The core to having a conference like this was to bring these  
sides together…to learn from the other side, to learn to talk each  
other’s language and hopefully bring a better working relationship  
among the personnel that now create the Web.

Lisa C. Mayer : web & database consultant at MIT- IS&T- DCAD
lmayer at mit.edu  |  617.452.4225  |  (gtalk & aim) lisacmayer
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