[Webpub] Webinar 2/26 Generating Design Ideas / Creative training

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 19 15:06:30 EST 2009

Dear colleagues,

MIT IS&T and the Publishing Services Bureau invite you to join us for  
a webinar called 7 Killer Steps to Generating Big, Fat, Hairy Design  
Ideas. The webinar is being presented by HOW magazine.

Date: February 26, 2009
Time: 4-5 p.m.
Location: N42 Demo Center; no registration required
For those unable to attend, presentation files will be available to  
download after the webinar.


Are your ideas flimsy? Do you feel like your ideas scamper away in the  
dark and hide the moment you share them? Are you jealous of those  
rocking few who seem to come up with big, fat, hairy ideas? The kind  
of ideas that are uttered alongside angelic voices while beams of  
light fall from the heavens? Good, because Reign Creative Director and  
"Caffeine for the Creative Mind" author Stefan Mumaw has the seven- 
step plan for learning how to generate monster ideas. Don't settle for  
routine thoughts and stale solutions; crank up your ideation and learn  
how to boost the quantity and quality of your concepts.

Stefan will share real-world examples from his own experience as well  
as the perspectives of some of the biggest idea-makers in the  
industry, delving head first into the techniques and methods that can  
train you to produce the hairiest of ideas.

You'll find out:

• What 'Creative Training' can do to pump up your flabby ideator
• How the biggest ideas hide behind the smallest questions
• How laying on the floor can make ideas reach the roof
• The benefits of assembling your own creative posse
• How play can be work, and vice versa
• How what you can reach right now may be all you need to trigger an  
idea torrent

We look forward to seeing you.

Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office 617.258.9380

MIT communications workshops and seminars are provided to members of  
the MIT community who create and manage communications programs for  
their departments, labs or centers. The workshops are sponsored by  
Publishing Services Bureau.

Visit the workshops website to access presentation materials and  

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monthly meetings and a blog to share information of note for all  
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