[Webpub] Google update at next WebPub meeting

Jeff Reed jlreed at MIT.EDU
Sat Sep 23 11:27:34 EDT 2006

When: Thursday September 28, 2006
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Where: N42 Demo Center

MIT has recently licensed the Google Enterprise Server version 4. Benefits of Google version 4 include improved searching speed, and continuous crawling and indexing of MIT web sites. We strongly urge MIT webmasters to update their web search forms to use the latest version of Google at MIT.  

The MIT Google team will present the web form code updates at this meeting, and discuss the benefits of this upgrade.  They will also cover the changes that web publishers will need to make to there search queries to utilize the new version.

After the Google team Margaret Wong, DCAD Web and Database Consultant, will show examples of customized MIT Google search results pages.

See you Thursday.



Jeff Reed :: Team Leader - DCAD
Web Communications Services :: Database Development Services
jlreed at mit.edu :: 617-258-0278 :: N42-240d
MIT :: Information Services & Technology

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