[Webpub] Dreaweaver 8 Release Announcement

Margaret Wong meponine at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 17 18:32:42 EST 2005

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2005
To:  "Members of the MIT Community:" itpartners at mit.edu, 
macpartners at mit.edu, winpartners at mit.edu, 
sw-release-announce at mit.edu, ed-tech at mit.edu, web-pub at mit.edu
From: Margaret Wong <meponine at mit.edu>
Subj: Dreaweaver 8 Release Announcement
Cc:  is&t at mit.edu, itag at mit.edu, ist-lead at mit.edu, ist-comm at mit.edu, 
css-managers at mit.edu, dreamweaver-release at mit.edu

Good Evening,

Information Services and Technology (IS&T) is pleased to announce the 
release of Dreamweaver 8. Dreamweaver 8 is the recommended HTML 
editor and web page creation tool supported at MIT.

Who Should Upgrade and Why
You should upgrade if you are running a Mac OS 10.3 or higher or a 
Windows XP machine (see the MIT Information Services & Technology 
Dreamweaver 8 pages for full system requirements) and are looking for 
improved rendering support for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in design 
view and docked panels/tabbed interface for open documents on Mac (as 
on PCs in previous versions). Along with Dreamweaver's support for 
XHTML and Accessibility, developers now have a tool built to promote 
web standards. If you are unfamiliar with the benefits and legal 
obligations of developing with web standards, please see the Code 
Standards page of the IS&T Web Publishing Reference pages - 

System requirements pages:
Dreamweaver 8 for Mac: <http://itinfo.mit.edu/product.php?vid=695>
Dreamweaver 8 for Windows: <http://itinfo.mit.edu/product.php?vid=697>

How to get Dreamweaver 8
Information Services and Technology has negotiated a volume license 
agreement with Macromedia to provide a limited number of Dreamweaver 
8 licenses to the community.  In an effort to increase the types of 
software that IS&T can provide the MIT community at significant 
discounts, we are beginning an experiment in charging a small nominal 
fee for software such as Dreamweaver for faculty and staff to use on 
MIT-owned computers.  The goal is to recover some of our costs to 
enable purchasing additional volume software licenses that the 
community wants.

Cost of Dreamweaver License and CD:
* MIT: $35
* Comparable Institution: $120
* Retail Academic Shrink Wrap: $177

For more information on the nominal fee experiment, please visit 

Staff and Faculty need to supply an appropriate Cost Object/Cost 
Center when ordering licenses and media. IS&T will journal voucher 
(JV) the appropriate funds and provide you with a 
confirmation/invoice for your records. Your local software liaison, 
<http://web.mit.edu/ist/services/software/msca-osliaisons.html>, may 
have already obtained Dreamweaver licenses for you.  Please check 
with them before ordering licenses.

There are also a limited number of Dreamweaver 8 licenses available 
to students on a temporary basis at no charge for academic use. 
Students need to provide their course number and a brief explanation 
of how they will use Dreamweaver for academic purposes when 
requesting licenses and media.

Faculty and Staff form:
[certificates required]

Students who would like temporary use of a Dreamweaver 8:
[certificates required]

Other New and Supported Features
* Zoom, select/hand/guide tools
* Increased accessibility checkpoints reporting
* Background FTP
* Code collapse (rollup)
* Enabling easier access to commonly used code editing tools via the 
coding toolbar
* see Dreamweaver 8: New Features - <http://itinfo.mit.edu/article.php?id=7973>

Unsupported Features (the following features are not supported by IS&T)
* Developing with XSLT, XML, .NET, PHP, J2EE/JSP, ASP or CFML
* XPath expression builder and its resulting XSLT
* Advanced template features: template parameters
* Built-in image editing
* Flash elements
* Integration with 3rd party applications such as Contribute, Flash, Fireworks
* Integration of RSS feeds using XML/XSLT

Known Issues
Please read through the known issues at 
<http://itinfo.mit.edu/article.php?id=7975> before installing 
Dreamweaver 8.  There are various known and emerging issues 
documented by Macromedia that are being updated as problems are 
discovered by the world wide community. Subscribe to the Macromedia 
Dreamweaver RSS feed to get the latest updates 
<http://www.macromedia.com/go/rss_dreamweaver>. You can use the IS&T 
RSS Feed Converter to add the Macromedia Dreamweaver RSS feed to your 
web page <http://rss.mit.edu>. To see an example, see the Dreawmeaver 
Release Notebook "News" section - <http://mit.edu/swrt/releases/dreamweaver/>.

Getting Help & Training
The Dreamweaver at MIT web page is at 

If you have a question or need assistance, please contact the 
Computing Help Desk at computing-help at mit.edu or x3-1101.

For training opportunities, please see Dreamweaver and Web Publishing 
Training Classes - <http://itinfo.mit.edu/article.php?id=7991>.

Thank you.

Margaret Wong
Dreamweaver 8 Product Release Coordinator
MIT Information Services & Technology

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