[Webpub] RESCHEDULED: WebPub MetaMedia for Web Publishers at MIT

Suzana Lisanti lisanti at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 25 08:33:03 EST 2004

Today's WebPub meeting on MetaMedia is CANCELLED, and will be rescheduled 
in the near future.  The presenter Kurt Fendt is off -campus and unable to 
get here for web-pub.

We'll reschedule soon, MetaMedia is a very exciting service.

Thank you,

Suzana Lisanati

Image and Media-Rich Document Management with MetaMedia
for Web Publishers at MIT

Date: Thursday, March 25, 2004 - CANCELLED
Time: 12:30 - 1:15 pm
Location: N42 Demo Center

MetaMedia, an MIT project, provides students and faculty (also staff!) with 
a flexible on-line environment to create, annotate and share media-rich 
documents for the teaching and learning of core humanistic subjects. 
Faculty can build subject-specific mini-archives to extend the use of 
multimedia materials in the classroom and thus further pedagogical innovation.

Kurt Fendt will discuss MetaMedia, including its use as a web-accessible 
image archive.  Kurt is Research Associate, Foreign Languages and 
Literatures and Director of HyperStudio.

Find out more at: http://metaphor.mit.edu/

We look forward to seeing you there.  (Please note the 12:30 starting time!)

Suzana Lisanti
Senior Strategist and Publisher, MIT Home Page

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