[Webpub] Demo of DSpace for Web Publishers at MIT

Suzana Lisanti lisanti at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 23 17:59:46 EDT 2003

Demo of DSpace for Web Publishers at MIT

Date: Thursday, September 25, 2003
Time: Noon - 1 pm
Location: 35-225 (online map 

Now that DSpace has been up and running for close to a year, we encourage 
you to consider DSpace as a tool for managing MIT publications without 
having to program the code, but still being able to link to it from your 
web site.  DSpace is a digital repository system designed to collect, 
index, distribute and manage the research and educational materials 
produced by MIT faculty and researchers.  Find out what kinds of items it 
can manage, how it works, and how it can benefit your department, lab or 

Margret Branschofsky, DSpace User Support Manager, will demonstrate how to 
search and submit items to the DSpace system, and talk about what it takes 
to establish a community in DSpace (http://dspace.mit.edu).

We look forward to seeing you there.  (Please note the location is Building 

Suzana Lisanti
Senior Strategist and Publisher, MIT Home Page

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