[Webpub] Dreamweaver MX 7 (2004) Release Announcement

Tim Griffin tgriffin at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 18 17:18:59 EST 2003

Good Day,

The Dreamweaver MX Release Team is pleased to announce the release of 
Dreamweaver MX 7.0 (2004).  Dreamweaver MX 7 is the recommended HTML 
editor and web page creation tool supported by MIT Information 
Systems.  Dreamweaver includes a variety of sophisticated features 
for web development; not all of which IS will support.

Who Should Upgrade and Why
This latest version of Dreamweaver runs on Mac OS 10.2.6 and higher, 
Windows 2000 and XP.  See the MIT Information Systems Dreamweaver 7 
(2004) pages for full system requirements.
MX 7.0 for Mac: http://itinfo.mit.edu/product?vid=594
MX 7.0 for Windows: http://itinfo.mit.edu/product?vid=595

The outstanding improvement in this version of Dreamweaver is its 
support for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).  Along with Dreamweaver's 
support for XHTML and Accessibility, developers now have a tool built 
to promote web standards.  If you are unfamiliar with the benefits 
and legal obligations of developing with web standards, please see 
the Code Standards page of the IS Web Publishing Reference pages 

Other New and Supported Features
*Integrated SFTP
*A simplified and enhanced interface
*Cross-Browser Validation
*HTML to XHTML conversion
*Site-less file editing
*Pre-built templates
*Enhanced code editing support

Unsupported Features
*Developing with .NET, PHP, JSP, ASP or CFML
*Advanced MX template features: repeating regions, editable optional 
regions, optional regions, template parameters
*Built-in image editing
*Javascript (see http://itinfo.mit.edu/article?id=6799)
* Flash elements
*Integration with other MX apps such as Contribute, Flash, Fireworks

Known Issues
Please read through the known issues at 
(http://itinfo.mit.edu/article?id=6748) before installing Dreamweaver 
MX 7.

How to get Dreamweaver MX 7
Through a volume license agreement with Macromedia, Information 
Systems is providing a limited number of Dreamweaver MX 7 licenses to 
the community at no cost, for use on MIT-owned computers.  In an 
effort to provide Dreamweaver MX 7 licenses to all web developers at 
MIT, we are requiring that all current Dreamweaver users re-register 
in order to receive an upgrade CD.

Note: To prevent your name being removed from the Dreamweaver license 
database, complete the appropriate registration form by Jan. 31, 2004.

If you do not already have Dreamweaver or obtained Dreamweaver 3, 4 
or MX on your own, complete the form yourself or ask your department 
representative to include you in their group license request.

Faculty and Staff form: 
https://web.mit.edu/is/products/vsls/forms/deptdwv.html [certificates 

Students who would like temporary use of a Dreamweaver MX 7 license 
should complete the student form:
[certificates required]

Getting Help
The Dreamweaver at MIT web page is at 

If you have a question or need assistance, please contact the Computing
Help Desk at computing-help at mit.edu or x3-1101.

Thank you.

Tim Griffin
Dreamweaver MX Product Release Coordinator
MIT Information Systems

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