[TCCM] TCC Bulletin 1 September 2019
Kevin Limanta
klimanta at mit.edu
Fri Aug 30 17:42:41 EDT 2019
Hey friends!
Here is the bulletin for week starting on Sunday, September 1, 2019. Welcome again to all who are new to the TCC, and welcome back to all who are returning for the new school year.
Bulletin link: ?http://web.mit.edu/tcc/archives/public/bulletin/2019/bulletin.2019-9-1.pdf?
This week's main contents are:
* Register for TCC: Be sure to register for the TCC, so that you can be on the email lists and find out about opportunities to volunteer and grow in your faith. It takes less than a minute: http://tcc.mit.edu/about-us/contact-us
* ?Welcome Back BBQ this Sunday (9/1)
* Masses on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the up-coming two weeks 9/2 - 9/13 will be held @ 5:10 PM in the MIT Chapel.
* St. Monica Society
* Extraordinary Minister/Lector Training
* Grad Student / young professional Bible studies
* Small group Bible Studies for undergrads and grad students
* Six Flags Trip
Weekly ongoing events:
* Spaghetti Supper
* Join the Choir!?
Welcome/Welcome Back BBQ: TODAY - 9/1 - 2 PM / Kresge BBQ pits. Join us following the 1 PM Mass for our BBQ. Lots of food and good people.
Masses on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the up-coming two weeks 9/2 - 9/13 will be held @ 5:10 PM in the MIT Chapel. There will be NO 12:05 PM Masses these days, due to installation of card-readers at the Chapel. Monday and Wednesday Masses and the Sunday Masses stay the same.
Announcing the St. Monica Society to pray for family members who are not close to the faith.
Contact tcc-pc at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-pc at mit.edu> for details.
Extraordinary Minister / Lector Training: If you would like to serve in our liturgical ministries (extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lector, etc.) please contact Bernadine Kensinger at bkensinger50 at gmail.com<mailto:bkensinger50 at gmail.com>. and come to a training session at 3 pm on Sunday, Sept. 8.
Are you a Graduate Student or Young Professional interested in deepening your Catholic faith and understanding of Scripture? The grad men's and women's groups will be holding weekly Bible studies during the semester. Contact Brandon Roach (roachb at mit.edu<mailto:roachb at mit.edu>) or Aileen Devlin (amdevlin at mit.edu<mailto:amdevlin at mit.edu>) for more info.
Small Group Bible Studies: Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to join one of the many groups that meet to open the Scriptures and discuss the faith. Contact.. catherine.alex at focus.org or phillip.wullschleger at focus.org<mailto:phillip.wullschleger at focus.org>
Save the Date ....
Trip to Six Flags New England: Saturday, Sept. 21. We will leave at 10:30 AM and will be back home at around 9 PM. Tickets and bus transportation are free. Sign up in the back of the Chapel or email catholic at mit.edu<mailto:catholic at mit.edu>.
Register for TCC: Be sure to register for the TCC, so that you can be on the email lists and find out about opportunities to volunteer and grow in your faith. It takes less than a minute: http://tcc.mit.edu/about-us/contact-us
For those interested in becoming Catholic, being Baptized, receiving First Communion, or being Confirmed, come to a meeting on Sunday, September 22, at 3 PM in the Small Dining Room of W11. We will discuss the process of receiving these sacraments and coordinate future meetings. Bring a sponsor or friend if you'd like. Please reach out to Fr. Moloney to set up a time to talk individually (dmoloney at mit.edu<mailto:dmoloney at mit.edu>).
Spaghetti Suppers: Join the TCC every Friday night from 7-9 PM in the W11 Community Room for a free spaghetti supper! This is a time for food, fellowship, and fun.
Want to join the Choir? We are looking for new singers and instrumentalists (in particular, we are looking for pianists/organists!) for the TCC Choir. For details email Piotr Suwara (suwara at mit.edu<mailto:suwara at mit.edu>).
In Christ, through Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces,
Kevin Limanta
tcc-webmaster at mit.edu
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