[TCCM] Mass times during construction on Chapel, 9/3-9/13

Daniel P Moloney dmoloney at mit.edu
Fri Aug 30 13:17:17 EDT 2019

For the next two weeks, starting on Tuesday, there will be construction on the MIT Chapel to install ID card readers.

I’m excited about this, because it will allow people to enter and pray in the Chapel at off hours, and it might even allow us to restrict access to tourists to specific hours, thus allowing the Chapel to return to being a place of quiet prayer.

HOWEVER, because of the construction, we’ve been told that we have to move our Masses on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for the next two weeks. We decided that it would be easier to hold the Mass in the Chapel at 5:10, rather than keeping it at noon and moving to a different room in a different building each day (the other option available to us).

For the next two weeks, then, the schedule will be:
Monday and Wednesday, Mass at 7:30 p.m. as usual.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Mass will be in the Chapel at 5:10 p.m.

You can always know the TCC schedule by checking out our calendar: http://tcc.mit.edu/calendar.

Fr. Daniel Patrick Moloney, Ph.D.
Catholic Chaplain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Building W11-012
40 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-252-1779 (office)
617-910-0463 (mobile and text)
dmoloney at mit.edu<mailto:dmoloney at mit.edu>
blog: spiritualdirections.tumblr.com
DONATE: http://tcc.mit.edu/www/donations.html
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