[TCCM] March for Life and Holy Hour for Life
Kira Glynn
kirag at mit.edu
Wed Jan 13 23:47:36 EST 2016
Greetings TCC,
In light of the upcoming 43rd anniversary of the *Roe v. Wade* decision to
legalize abortion as a stretched interpretation of the 14th amendment, I
would like to share with you two ways you can pray for pregnant women and
for a renewed sense in the dignity of human life.
*Off-Campus*: The Archdiocese of Boston has planned a trip to the *March
for Life* in DC on January 22, 2016. By the website's description, the "*trip
is designed for college students and young adults in their 20s and 30s.*"
This is an excellent way to go to the March and express your love for
life, showing the world that this is indeed the Pro-Life generation!
Details can be found here
I hope you can join the many marching this January and March for Life!
They still have about 25 spots left, even though the deadline technically
was 12/1.
(URL for the above link:
*On-Campus*: Alternatively, we will be having a *Holy Hour for Life* here
at the MIT Chapel! This will also be on January 22nd at noon. It would be
wonderful if you could join us in prayer this day! More info about the
Holy Hour for Life will be sent out and can be found at the website of the
Archdiocese of Boston and is attached to this email. (
What: Holy Hour for Life
When: January 22 at 12 pm
Where: MIT Chapel
Please pray on this and if you would like to participate in the March this
January, please sign-up here
Otherwise, I would l love to pray with you at the Holy Hour for Life on
God bless,
TCC Service Chair
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