[Tango-L] Embrace a whole new side of your partner

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 11:56:55 EDT 2011

Tango "al reves" (also called tango "in shadow position") is a dance technique invented in the 1960's by the milonguero Arturito, and developed by such luminaries as Antonio Todaro, Raul Bravo and Pupi Castelo. It is dancing with the man and woman both facing in the same direction, the man directly behind her. The man communicates through contact with her back, his left hand on her left hand, and his right hand on her stomach. Dancers usually slip in and out of tango al reves from regular dance position to add variety and dynamism to their dancing. You can learn to enjoy this "new" technique -- now 50 years old -- in a series of special workshops led by Pxx Bxx and xxxx 
 I guess tahgo as a social dance where a frontal embrace can be enjoyed is something soon to be an ancient fad.

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