[Tango-L] Interesting Tango Listing

Tine Herreman tango-L at tangomuse.com
Tue Jun 14 12:47:55 EDT 2011

The class title has a big influence on how people choose between
competing classes. I organize a festival and did a survey of our
participants asking on what basis they chose their classes [shown here
in decreasing order based on results].

I chose my teachers/classes based on (check all that apply) :

I chose based on class subject							66.6%	
I chose based on class level & my own time constraints		46.6%	
I had heard great things about them						26.6%	
I chose the teachers I had not taken classes with previously		26.6%	
I had taken classes with them in the past and wanted more		20.0%	
I chose whatever was available							13.3%	
I read the bios & chose based on those					6.6%	

I believe a nondisclosed topic will in general decrease interest in a
class when other classes in the same time slot have reasonably
interesting titles. Furthermore, I have seen that classes with
whizzbang titles fill up the fastest especially with younger and newer
dancers, for the same reason that dessert wins over veggies. I know
the people on this list are into veggies (as am I) but if the tango
economy had to rely on you guys alone, it would have petered out long
ago, and you would have nobody to dance with. So, moving on from this

In the case of this particular festival however, the artists are
top-notch, the couples not disclosing their topics are more well-known
than the other couples featured, and the participants are for the most
part advanced dancers who know what they want. So I believe the
nondisclosure of the titles will have the following effects (all
- The obvious effect of a topic more suited to the class participants
- Nobody having the right to grumble if the teachers feel they have to
adjust course in the interest of the learning experience, i.e. better
customer satisfaction with the veggies served with dessert
- Experienced dancers (=most participants) know who is who or can find
out, and figure out what kind of topic will likely be taught, and
decide accordingly.
- Fans of these teachers will choose their classes regardless, and be
happy with whatever topic - Others who have not developed a teacher
preference, can choose by title or take a chance on a surprise
- Because the nondisclosing teachers are the most famous ones on the
bill, their classes will fill up regardless but more slowly than if
the topic were disclosed, effectively allowing all classes to fill up
at a more even pace and preserving choice for participants who sign up
later. This is a good thing because if some classes are sold out, it
becomes harder to accommodate additional participants who want those
classes specifically. This is important, because what makes a fest a
great experience is the quality, quantity and diversity of your fellow
participants. At least insofar as you get to dance with them :)
- Beginners will be less likely to be seduced by titles they desire
but are not ready for, so the class level will be more true

So it works for me and I don't have a problem with it. I think it is
in the interest of everybody, actually. Good job, organizers.


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