[Tango-L] rotation of dance partners

Sergey Kazachenko syarzhuk at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 16:03:35 EDT 2010

The usual (here in Boston) way is - partners are rotating on teacher's
notice; however, there are some couples who want to stick together and
that's fine, rotation just happens as if they weren't there.

I strongly encourage folks to rotate, also I usually try to pair up
more advanced people with beginners, so that at least one partner
knows what they are doing.


On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:50 PM, roger miller <rmillr at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I need some comments, advice, etc, regarding the rotation of class participants in weekly classes and in particular weekend workshops with visiting instructors.  Rotation encouraged?  required?
> How is this handled in various locations?  or ignored?
> Thanks,
> roger miller

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