[Tango-L] social ethical behavior

Roger Edgecombe edgecombe_r at optusnet.com.au
Wed Sep 8 06:24:39 EDT 2010

Michael wrote:
> The reason cabeceo doesn't work well in New York (and other places) is 
> milongas are close to pitch black and 
Same problem here (Melbourne, Australia) - usually too dark to see clearly.

I had several unsatisfactory ventures into cabeceo on a recent night.  I 
made successive approaches to three women, two guys , and a large 
aspidistra pot-plant.

Later in the night I got luckier, scored an acceptance and, heart 
beating in anticipation, approached my willing partner, only to find it 
was an old fart with a beard approaching.  (Stupid place to put a mirror 

Let there be light.


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