[Tango-L] Some thoughts on connection

Pat Petronio petronio at adam.com.au
Fri Nov 12 19:49:53 EST 2010

Hi fellow tangueros,

I find the following point made by Bob most thought-provoking of all:

> 4.       To achieve connection in tango, the man & the woman need to dance
> as equals.

Although I fully subscribe to the traditional roles in this dance (the man
proposes, etc.), the terminology of "leading" and "following" are
unfortunately quite misleading. Though I'm at a loss to suggest something
better. These commonly used terms clearly suggest dominance & subservience, 
superiority and inferiority.

In my opinion the dance has the potential to be at its best, with real 
connection, when people come together with a mindset that they are equal and 
will be respected as an equal, regardless of their respective experience. 
Each "listens" to the other and "responds" with respect to the other during 
the tanda which they share.


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