[Tango-L] Music preferences

Madhav Apte mapte at pobox.com
Fri Jul 30 01:20:47 EDT 2010

Hi Vince and List:

I also am  curious to see if more people prefer instrumentals, or 
whether it is the other way around.

There are some compelling instrumentals out there, no doubt. But my own 
preference over the years has gravitated to songs with lyrics.

I was just thinking about this the other day. When I DJ, I probably tend 
to play more tandas with lyrics as opposed to instrumentals.

My hypothesis is that songs with lyrics are more likely to be  melodic, 
and perhaps I am just naturally more attracted to melody even though I 
enjoy rhythm very much.

I have done no research whatsoever on this, so this is just a 
hypothesis, nothing more.

Incidentally, as I am sure everyone knows,  you can have songs with 
lyrics/melody that also have a really good beat. I notice this also, 
especially in certain milongas where the beat is  indispensable.

Shield on !  ;-))


ps: I noticed my choice of using the word "song" was amusing:
 From TheFree Dictionary on "song":
song (sông, sng)/n./
*1. * /Music/
*a. * A brief composition written or adapted for singing.
*b. * The act or art of singing: broke into song.

On 7/28/2010 5:46 PM, Vince Bagusauskas wrote:
> When you attend a milonga (or a practica for that matter) what proportion of
> the music do you want to hear with  lyrics?

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