[Tango-L] blame, responsibility, and opportunity -- Who to blame for the "bad" dancers?

Lois Donnay donnay at donnay.net
Fri Jan 29 16:11:41 EST 2010

I think any teacher who has been in a community for awhile starts to realize 
that creating good dancers who are also polite and respectful is essential, 
or the community will suffer.  But sometimes new teachers who come along 
don't understand this, so will teach some fancy steps or just repeat what 
they heard in a class somewhere, without regard to how it really applies. 
This can also apply to some traveling teachers, who may not be as interested 
in the long term health of the community and won't be around to deal with 
what they taught.  But often this is successful because students may want 
something "new", rather than that teacher who has experience, or want 
difficult steps because they have been dancing so long they MUST be able to 
handle them.

So I'll throw it back to the community - be sure to sponsor and recommend 
those teachers who DO ponder what they want to see on the social dance 

Lois Donnay

> At this point I'll just encourage all teachers to ponder
> what they really want to see on the social dance floor,
> and then to act accordingly.

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