[Tango-L] Maintaining LOD

hbboogie1@aol.com hbboogie1 at aol.com
Tue Jan 12 16:21:38 EST 2010

Well put Charles in a perfect world we would  maintain the LOD but in the 
US I’ve only seen it happen in perfect conditions  and it only lasted a short 
time. I spend a lot of time watching and the one  thing that seems to screw 
up the movement of the floor the most is the stopping  for long periods of 
time for whatever reason. This seems to happen with all  levels of dancers 
and you can only rock and sway for so long behind one of these  idiots until 
you cannot stand it any longer and you break away to pass them. So  it’s 
just like the idiot in the fast lane of the freeway going 55 mph holding up  a 
long line of traffic forcing everyone to go around him  increasing the  risk 
of an accident. I can understand a rank tango beginner doing this but when  
someone who’s been dancing for years stops the movement of the LOD it 
baffles  me. There can only be three reasons for this behavior:

Me me me  (egocentric bias) = I’m an idiot and I’m proud of it.
I’m #1 I’m #1  (dysfunctional competition) = Your village called their 
idiot is missing 
I’m  an Idiot Savant with no talent = I’m just a moron.

If you happen to fall  into one of these three categories there's still 
hope. When you stop to do a  turn or a pose keep it short let's say five 
seconds then continue moving along  the LOD keeping up with the couple ahead of 
you. It's that simple it's not  rocket science it's just dancing. And as a 
bonus you will be promoted from Idiot  to "look at that guy he's dancing pretty 

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