[Tango-L] Forward Step By Lady

HBBOOGIE1@aol.com HBBOOGIE1 at aol.com
Sat Jan 9 22:50:16 EST 2010

I was taught from the very beginning that  the leader initiates or invites 
the follower to step and then he follows. It’s a  concept that’s hard to 
grasp but think of the classic molinete. The man leads  the woman to take the 
first two steps while his feet stay stationary and he  follows her with his 
torso on her third step he pivots blah blah blah. The point  it he follows 
her. Pay attention to how you lead and follow her with your chest.  I’m only 
speaking of salon style. 

In a message dated 1/9/2010 6:30:25  P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
flame at 2xtreme.net writes:  

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