[Tango-L] El Lloron

Charles Roques c.roques at mchsi.com
Thu Aug 26 12:25:22 EDT 2010


Andy wrote:

<The song can be interpreted as a milonga, but the Canaro/Fama version is 
IMHO not a milonga. It can be dansed (sic) as a milonga but it does not have 
the clear milonga feeling like "milonga de Buenos Aires" or "Milonga 
criolla" by Canaro.>

This just points out that a few songs are open to interpretation so you just have to wing it and dance as you feel the response, or as the DJ does.  D'Agostino plays El Portenito as a milonga but few others do. Some of the earliest tango songs were little of both milonga and tango until someone gave them a definitive version and they became more known one way. The earliest ones were also mixed a little with indigenous dance rhythms which can be similar to milonga.  El Lloron seems to have a little of that in its rhythm as opposed to the more African candombe-style rhythm.  if you can find it, check out Los Tubatango CD in the style of the earliest bands, before piano and bass replaced the guitar and tuba.  All the songs are a bit like the El Lloron "sort-of milonga" rhythm.


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