[Tango-L] Social-ethical behaviors

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 13 17:14:22 EDT 2010

Come on, Nicetune  You know what message she was sending you.  What you 
want from the group is a condemnation of her behavior so you can go back
 to her and 'reason' with her and change her mind.  Am I guessing you 
are an engineer or a lawyer?  Reasoning with her about her feelings is  a
 no-win activity for you.  Her heart has made the choice.  It may not be
 'rational' to you but telling her that will not reel her back in.  
Forcing her to see your point only confirms what she suspects - that you
 are not the guy for her. She is just not that into you.

Or do you maybe want her to wear a scarlet M for Maleva on her forehead?

You admit you have broken up.  Now you want the jury to decide on her punishment for behaving contrary to your wishes.


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