[Tango-L] Proper conduct of ladies accompanied by their dates

Ruben Malan rubenmalan at comcast.net
Fri Aug 6 17:43:27 EDT 2010

By the way, connected with the Socio-ethical behavior (this is a sub-subject) and thanks for your illustrative contributions Charles and R.

I have been at El Arranque and many milongas in Montevideo, Uruguay.

I've heard directly from women there that they try to avoid to dance with the same partner more than one tanda.
Why? because the other gentlemen may assume that she has a special relationship with the guy and then they 
may abstain of dancing with her or again.

No matter if the lady is by herself, but specially if I dance with the girlfriend of a man that I know, or if she invite me to dance with her, and just to be tactful and delicate, I do not ask the lady for a second tanda. If I want to dance with her again I probably wait for one hour or more.
Now what about if she has her date there. They arrived together and everybody (except the newcomers) know that they have a relationship? They are not sitting together though. She does not want to. What is the proper conduct that she is expected to observe? 
Let's assume that her man is not necessarily jealous guy nor a freak controller :-)

El Uruga from Tally

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