[Tango-L] Line of Dance

Tango22 tango22 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 19:01:29 EDT 2009

Trini wrote.....
What do traditionalists need to do to let attendees know that at their  
milongas, one adheres to a line of dance.....I've never had a problem  
like this.

Reminds me of an hilarious experience at a crowded milonga in the  
centre of Paris, where one imagines the quality of dance might be  
good, sensual; all things French. Perhaps it was called "The Bull  
Ring" or something similar - that should have tipped me off.   We were  
startled by a young couple, clearly demonstrating their exceptional  
prowess, dancing directly towards us in the clockwise direction.  When  
I politely pointed him in the right direction with my left hand,  
(perhaps he was directionally impaired) whilst making a smart  
avoidance move, he glared at me with the "don't you know who I am?"  
look.  I swear I heard someone shout Ole!! when I received a smart  
gancho in the behind.   It did not improve.  We left soon after, a  
little wiser and sadder; visions of Tango in Paris in tatters.
Keep smiling,

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