[Tango-L] arm angle, keith, huck

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 19 13:37:46 EDT 2009

--- On Fri, 6/19/09, Jay Rabe <jayrabe at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > The man's left arm at a 90 degree angle up can give
> the follower a nice point of contact (full forearm).
> Seems you're talking about the angle between the man's
> upper arm and his forearm. I thought the discussion was the
> angle between the man's upper arm and his torso, ie.
> sticking his elbow out rather than pointing it down?? 
> J

I'll clarify, then.  When the man's arm is at a 90 degree angle away from his body and his forearm is also 90 degrees up from his upper arm, there can be a nice contact between the forearms.  It can feel comfortably snuggly.

If his upper arm and forearm are at 90 degrees but his arm is angled lower than 90 degrees (i.e. he drops his elbow), it can actually be less comfortable for me.  It shortens my forearm and the lower part of my muscle bunches up.  Not so pretty.  There's also no snuggly contact between the forearms. In that case, the 135 (or whatever) degree position is more comfortable.

Those are my observations.

Trini de Pittsburgh


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