[Tango-L] arm angle, keith, huck

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 19 12:18:28 EDT 2009

My two cents worth as a follower.

The man's left arm at a 90 degree angle up can give the follower a nice point of contact (full forearm).  Feels nice for close-embrace.

When I lead, I prefer to keep my left arm out greater than 90 degrees to keep both my and my partner's shoulders long.  As a follower, that is one thing I simply have to have - a long right shoulder.  Anything less than a 90 degree angle of the man's left arm shortens my right shoulder and feels uncomfortable.

When a man has a greater than 90 degree angle and at his shoulder level, then it's easier for me to do backward ochos to the man's right or to do similar movements.  I'm able to transmit the energy coming from his left arm into my hips more easily.

Trini de Pittsburgh


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