[Tango-L] Shocked

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 18:00:08 EST 2009

--- On Thu, 2/26/09, Jay Rabe <jayrabe at hotmail.com> wrote:

> As we were
> dancing, she asked, "I missed the cross, didn't
> I?" I said yes, and suggested she bend her standing
> knee a bit more and take slightly bigger back steps, which
> separates our feet a bit more and keeps her weight more
> forward, making the cross more likely as opposed to a back
> step when in the #4 position. 

So you basically made her self-conscious about her walk for the rest of the night.  This is why "helping" like this at a milonga is a bad idea.  Since she's a beginner, she'll now get it into her head that it's okay to teach or be taught at a milonga.  Forget about listening to the music or her partner.  

Unless someone is in physical pain, there's no reason to be teaching on the dance floor, even if someone has asked.  A simple answer to her question is, "Well, perhaps I didn't lead it clearly enough for you, but don't worry about it.  I still enjoyed dancing with you.  Let's just have fun."

Trini de Pittburgh


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