[Tango-L] Fw: Astor Piazzolla & 50 Essential Tangos for $1.99 starting tonight

macfroggy@aol.com macfroggy at aol.com
Fri Aug 21 12:15:38 EDT 2009

Bettina, Piazolla is never danced in the traditional milongas of Buenos 
Aires. Never. Nor is Gardel or that Greek folksong so popular 
elsewhere, Tango for Ephora.
But yes, the DJs of "alternative" milongas and practicas here play 
modern music and non-tango music on occasion. But only the young and/or 
foreign go there.

The milongueros would croak to hear "Libertango" played for them to 
dance to!


Trini, Astor Piazzolla is widely danced to, as well as in Milongas in
Buenos Aires. Most milongas in BsAS now are much more open in choices
to music and not as traditional as they used to be.


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