[Tango-L] Definition of Milonga
Vince Bagusauskas
vytis at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 25 05:10:58 EDT 2009
From: "Shahrukh Merchant" <shahrukh at shahrukhmerchant.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:46 AM
To: <tango-l at mit.edu>
Subject: [Tango-L] La Viruta, Definition of Milonga
> Hmm, I wouldn't dare to pretend to come up with the definitive answer,
> but I certainly would not trust a bunch of bureaucrats to do so! It's
> the same group that defined a milonga so narrowly that several milongas
> briefly stopped playing the traditional occasional tanda of chacarera or
> rock-and-roll or "tropical" and in some cases even CORTINAS because they
> were afraid the Tango police (and we are talking about real police now)
> would close down the milonga and/or cause them to lose their
> preferential designation as a cultural event.
My thanks to the person who sent me this link
A search of which (I and a couple of others) did can find Ley Nº 2323 that
says in part:
10.7.2 Características específicas. Son parte fundamental de la estructura
de las milongas la tanda de tango, milonga o vals, la tanda de otros
ritmos, la cortina y la actuación o número vivo.
A efectos de esta ley se entiende por tanda el conjunto de cuatro o cinco
piezas bailables del mismo ritmo pertenecientes a una misma orquesta o a
varias de similar estilo.
La cortina es el intervalo entre tandas en una milonga. Indica próximo
cambio de ritmo o de orquesta y descanso a los bailarines.
La actuación o número vivo puede estar a cargo de un grupo musical u
orquesta que ejecutan su repertorio para que el público baile. También
puede consistir en la exhibición de una o varias parejas, de ritmos afines
con el tango, para lo cual se deja la pista libre.
La oferta musical de cada jornada deberá ser al menos un 70% de ritmos de
tango, milonga y vals.
Nothing there about 2-1-2-1 tandas or in full Ley or in further searching.
But what does the 70% mean? Does that allow 30% "tropical" or "folk"? Does
that not also mean that Tango fusion practicas can reclassify themselves as
milongas, where they play Golden Age music in the majority?
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