[Tango-L] Lead an invitation that can be ignored or fought

Sergio Vandekier sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 24 11:43:08 EDT 2008

"The way some are slanted against follower initiative on this list,why not propose the word "assimilation"? As in "Resistance [pun intended]is futile; you will be assimilated". I'm all for synergy - but not dominance and assimilation. "

To dance tango and any ballroom dance is very simple:  The "man" leads and the "woman" follows.

We have already discussed possible changes of roles and we also assumed that the leader is a good dancer and leads with impeccable clarity.
We assumed, in the original discussion,  that there was an intentional resistance or fight of the lead on the part of the follower.

Possible reasonable exceptions to this rule were presented:

1- The leader does not see that he is going to collide against another couple and the follower "stops" (warns) him; this is totally reasonable.

2 - The leader is a poor dancer and presents confusing leads; this possibility was expressly removed from the original discussion.

3 - The woman has some physical impediment, such as back ache; in this case , the woman normally alerts the man with respect to this problem and requests a simple tango, devoid of moves that might worsen her condition.

Traditional Argentine tango requires that the man leads and the woman follows, period, there are not alternatives with respect to this.

Now you may dance any way you prefer, this is fine, I wish you good luck, but do not go around saying that you dance Argentine Tango. What you are dancing is something quite different, with a different feeling, a different technique and a different relationship with your partner.

There are many poetic expressions with respect to tango; they are not to be taken as if they were part of the Bible.

Some of the original meaning of words are lost in translation. What you call 'lead" we call "Marca". Marca is a word of many meanings but in this case it is used in the sense of "signal".  This means that the man has something in mind for both as a couple to do, and "signals" the woman to do it.  

In tango evolution there are certain elements that remained constant throughout the times.

Tango reflects, as I said before, the relationship between the man and the woman:  The invitation to dance, the encounter on the floor, the embrace, are all part of this ritual.

Freedom of improvisation is another constant present in our tango.

Changes may be observed in style, posture, choreographic moves, figures and steps, the music, etc, along 100 years of evolution.

The man eventually develops his own personal style and develops the same inside of the couple. The woman always adapts to the style of the man.

Finally there is a fusion so that both members of the couple "think" and "act" in consonance and harmony.

Summary: I do not know what is that you are dancing but I know what you are not dancing.

Best regards, Sergio

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