[Tango-L] How to initiate lean

larrynla@juno.com larrynla at juno.com
Fri Sep 19 16:37:26 EDT 2008

The answer to this question is: all of the above!

Both methods mentioned so far work: "suspension" and placing a woman's free foot 
behind her supporting foot with a slight twist of the leader's upper body as if 
about to lead a backward ocho or a back boleo.

A third tactic (which no one has yet mentioned) is to lead the volcada (or any 
other action) slowly. Or at least not to hurry it. It takes humans at least 1/4 
second to react to anything, and usually much closer to 1/2 second. A leader 
can't act as if his partner is a robot with millisecond response times.

A fourth tactic is to judge your partner's response. Does it seem as if she 
knows what you are requesting? Or is she totally bewildered and maybe panicked 
by what you are asking?

Partner dancing is like any form of communication. One should use such methods 
as good grammar and emphasis and re-phrasing a request so one "speaks" clearly. 
And one should "listen" to one's listeners to be sure they understood you.

Larry de Los Angeles

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