[Tango-L] Qualifying Tango Instructors.
Tango For Her
tangopeer at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 13:27:04 EDT 2008
--- Brick Robbins <brick at fastpack.com> wrote:
> Why look no further!
> Such a program already exists, right here in the
> Tango Mecca of San
> Diego, California!
Yippee! Patterns!
That's just goofy. Imagine someone who could teach
part of what is on those lists better than everyone
else in town, but could care less about the rest of
it, because his students were learning faster than
everyone else's.
Are you going to "label" him, or her, a Bronze
teacher? THAT, my friends, is ballroom. Tango is an
If you love patterns, go ahead and call yourself a
red, yellow or green-level teacher. Those labels are
just advertising, business building, fodder.
I am going to the class that is taught by the artist.
Wow! Imagine if Van Gogh couldn't remember patterns!
Better not study HIS artwork!
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