[Tango-L] ..where did the balance go?

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 29 19:30:55 EDT 2008

Let's assume another possibility.  That Mario, a
student of tango of only six months who, by his own
admission, learns mostly from YouTube, might not have
a good axis or balance or leading ability himself. 
Remember he is in a community where there are no
teachers according to him.  He might have a floppy
left arm and a pushing hand, he might raise his right
shoulder and do the 'teapot' action on her, he might
be overleading her with his arms, he might be
tentative in his own body movements .  Unless the lady
falls over when standing by herself, she might have
perfect control of her own balance and axis and
movement until it is disturbed by some man.  

I will also point out that milonga steps are quite
small while some newbies love to do long, reaching,
performance steps to slow tangos and cannot keep their
own balance when they do so.  If they don't lower and
soften their knees, they launch the lady like a
catapult.  Maybe he is using her for support.

I am pretty fed up with some men on this list who
believe that women have nothing to contribute and
that, because women die to dance with them in their
own insular communities, that makes them experts.  Go
to a major festival or BsAs and see how good you are. 
Some of the best US teachers are there - taking as
many classes as they teach every weekend.

--- Tango For Her <tangopeer at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Mario,
> You asked a good question.  I'll try and answer it,
> again, a little more simply.
> If she is unbalanced when she dances slow tangos,
> then, it's a good guess that she is using you for
> support.  
> Putting it simply, concentrate on giving her your
> center.  Let the middle of your chest be her contact
> point.  Let the middle of your chest be YOUR focus. 
> If she is using your left hand to keep her balance,
> then, take that crutch away from her.  It's YOUR
> dance, too.  YOU can choose to give her a beautiful
> tango, a tango where the connection comes from your
> center.  
> In doing all of this, she will enjoy a much more
> beautiful tango.  Why?  Because the two of you will
> be
> connected in thought, effort and balance at your
> centers.  Beautiful tango comes from your center. 
> She
> will become more balanced.
> Never make anyone feel uncomfortable.  Always strive
> to give them a more beautiful dance.  Personally, I
> have found that to be true with the above advice. 
> If
> anyone feels otherwise, then constructive criticism
> is
> always welcome.
> I hope this helps.
> And, by the way, I've been dancing for somewhere
> between 5 days and 50 years.  I don't think about it
> much beyond that.  Life is too good to spend my time
> worrying about such trivia.
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<<Rito es la danza en tu vida
     y el tango que tu amas
     te  quema en su llama>>
de: Bailarina de tango
por:  Horacio Sanguinetti

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