[Tango-L] Ecstasis and Control

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 29 19:19:33 EDT 2008

--- Floyd Baker <febaker at buffalotango.com> wrote:

Btw... I didn't see that many were really down on
> the violin concept.
> I read some nice compliments on the way it was
> originally meant. 

Well.....as Keith pointed out,  it was the 'violins'
who were complaining but what do we have to say about
it?  We are only your 'instruments', right maestro? 
We should stick to our passive, submissive roles,
right?  The supporters for the analogy were two males
who repeatedly posted defenses - and they are no
longer with us.

What is the ratio of violins to maestros in Buffalo?  


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