[Tango-L] The subject...Pt. 1

Floyd Baker febaker at buffalotango.com
Sat Mar 29 19:38:26 EDT 2008

Sorry list... This guy is going off the deep end...

The three emails to him were because my reply was too long.
I had to snip twice for it to be put on the list.   Unfortunately
Andreas got each mailing.   

I had this happen once before with a long response...  I found it
didn't work to omit the original sender's email address...   So I
didn't this time.   

I also explained why it was happening on the top line of the second
and third trys...  So it's not really something to get so excited

As for his problem?  

I said:    Brackets are mine.
>> It (the cross) is after all contrary to the rest of Tango.   
He said:
>This is the first time I hear that statement.
I said:
>>  I was specifically referring to the 'auto' cross as being 'contrary'...
He said:
>No, you were not. Please reread your post. You referred to the cross. 


I think he's thinking of the cross Jesus died on...   
And I'm not going to let him say he isn't...   <g>   

Comon Andreas.., get a life.    Gad...

Second one...  He doesn't like me saying Tango is unstructured...  
He's getting very excited about it.  

By saying 'structured' I am sort of referring to Ballroom methods?

But I try to avoid talking negatively about Ballroom, so I use words
that others *should* be able to comprehed.   Structured in dance to me
means memorized, routines, patterns, choreography, rote, expected,
levels.., and of course *Ballroom*.

Therefore Tango is **UN**structured...    

I asked him for an example of what *he* would consider unstructured..,
and apparently that's when he lost it..   I guess he can't think of

That's all folks..   :-)

Tango on...  


     Buffalo Tango - Argentine Tango - How To Tango
     * * * * * *  www.buffalotango.com  * * * * * *

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