[Tango-L] Heel First?

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 27 11:32:58 EDT 2008

>From a student of Detlef (another great walker.)who just came from a miloguero workshop
  .>"Your feet never leave the ground (except perhaps in the old milonguero style) as though
   there are rooted in the ground.  The feet have roots in the ground.  When you take that step 
  forward, backward or side your toe is never lifted off the ground.  So take a deep breath,
   open up your chest (arms extended out), hold that open firmness in your upper body,
   practice twisting the torso while you are holding that open/firm posture, and then take that 
  first step lifting you heel slowly (a slight bent foot/pointing toe to the right without lifting the 
  toe from the ground) and moving slowly to the position you want.  I can sympathize with you 
  about balance but I think it can be achieved..
  Let me know how this instruction feels to you.  OK?  It seems simple until you try to 
  execute.  Everybody was having trouble with these seemigly simple and elegant steps
   during the workshops over the weekend.  And most of them think of themselves as 
  seasoned tango dancers.   Where does it leave us?"
  ...good question...as Tom has often pointed out, on this forum, walking toe-first is not
  for beginners...well, is it back to the toe first for the intermediate to advanced dancers?
   Both sides of the polemic call the other side 'old fashioned'...as for my own thoughts;
   I'm just a beginner (6 mos now!) and I find it curious to refer to a Milonguero style of 
  walking as 'old fashioned' when in a milonguero workshop..oh well, I've heard that the
  toe-first style was taught by the show Tango dancers..and now that is being called
  'old fashioned' by some

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