[Tango-L] Tango styles and labeling

Anton Stanley antonst at alidas.com.au
Tue Mar 4 17:45:43 EST 2008

"there aren't many new people doing old-style tango music;"

With the deepest respect for Alexis, as I do take his opinion on board.
And this post is not directed at the author, just as an example of the
inadequacy yet necessity of meaningful labeling.
It is almost impossible to have a discussion without labels. To be able
to make his point, the author had to use the term "old-style" to
differentiate that style from what, "new style"? The label "old style"
doesn't seem appropriate for a style of music which is overwhelmingly
the most played at Milongas throughout the world, in the present. In
this age, "old" carries with it a degenerative implication. Whereas the
advertising industry (to which I have some affinity), has instilled the
impression upon our modern society, that all things carrying the "new"
label, is a better product and a wiser choice. "New" should be tested in
every respect against "Existing" before endowment of the superior label.
It is misrepresentation if you substantially change a product but
maintain existing labeling. So I for one, in keeping with the trend in
our present society, am for improved, more extensive labeling, rather
than a reduction. 


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