[Tango-L] Dividing Tango

David Thorn thorn-inside at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 31 10:56:43 EDT 2008

Brick wrote
> These couples are obviously dancing for the audience, and not for each other.

I think that one important source of the "hateful views" that I earlier lamented is the idea that you (the generic you) 
know what I am thinking.  How do you know?????  How is that obvious?  If what you are saying is that were _you_ 
posing, it would be for an audience, that's OK.  But it seems a little presumptuous of you to say that you know what is 
going on in my head and in my partner's head, and that the pose we might strike is not something just between us. 

Are tango dancers generally so repressed that they can't express their feelings with / to their partners without 
first looking over their shoulders to see who might be watching??? 


D. David Thorn

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